Results for 'Hayfaa A. Wahabi'

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  1. Attitude and practice of the health care professionals towards the clinical practice guidelines in King Khalid University Hospital in Saudi Arabia.Hayfaa A. Wahabi, Rasmieh A. Alzeidan, Amel A. Fayed, Samia A. Esmaeil & Zohair A. Al Aseri - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):763-767.
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    The Wahabi Movement in India.Aziz Ahmad & Qeyamuddin Ahmad - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):306.
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  3. Who Discovered Boyle's Law?Joseph Agassi - 1977 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 8 (3):189.
  4. Growth, Distribution and Inclusiveness: Reflections on India's Experience.Montek Ahluwalia - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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  5. Feminist futures.Sara Ahmed - 2003 - In Mary Eagleton, A concise companion to feminist theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
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    The Hidden and Null Curriculums: An Experiment in Collective Educational Biography.Suzette Ahwee, Lina Chiappone, Peggy Cuevas, Frank Galloway, Juliet Hart, Jennifer Lones, Adriana L. Medina, Rita Menendez, Paola Pilonieta & Eugene F. Provenzo Jr - forthcoming - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc.
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    Xenophanes the High Rationalist: The Case of F1:17-8.Scott F. Aikin - 2014 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (1):1-14.
    Scholarship on Xenophanes’s F1 has had two foci, one on the rules of the symposium and the other on the religious program posed at its close. Thus far, the two areas of focus have been treated as either separate issues or as the religious program proposed in the service of the sympotic objectives. Instead, I will argue that the sympotic norms Xenophanes espouses are in the service of the broader program of rational theology.
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  8. Deği̇sen dünyada bi̇li̇m ve değerler.ProjİDr Bedia Akarsu - 2006 - In Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ, Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması. İzmir [Turkey]: İlya. pp. 213.
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  9. On an alleged problem with Stalnaker’s representation of context.Varol Akman - 2001 - Contexts in Logics, a Workshop Co-Located with CONTEXT'01: 3rd International Conference on Modeling and Using Context, Dundee, UK.
    We consider an objection of Hans Kamp (based on an example by Barbara Partee) to Robert Stalnaker's model of context.
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    Kartografija šiuolaikinėje civilizacinėje vaizduotėje ir geopolitikoje Teologijos suma. I d. Traktatas apie Kūrimą. 15 klausimas. Apie idėjas. 1–3 artikulai. [REVIEW]Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - 2023 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 114.
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    Svarstyti klausimai apie tiesą. Klausimas XIV.Trečias artikulas. Ar tikėjimas yra dorybė.Tomas Akvinietis - 2019 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 99.
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    Svarstyti klausimai apie sinderezę. Klausimas 16, 1–3 artikulai.Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - 2022 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 110.
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    Suma prieš pagonis. Trečioji knyga. Apvaizda. 140 - 146 skyriai.Tomas Akvinietis - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 92:120-130.
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    Suma prieš pagonis. Trečioji knyga. Apvaizda. 147–150 skyriai.Tomas Akvinietis - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 93:142-148.
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    Suma prieš pagonis. Trečioji knyga. Apvaizda. 151 - 154 skyriai.Tomas Akvinietis - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 94:102-112.
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    Suma prieš pagonis trečioji knyga. apvaizda. 134–135 skyriai.Tomas Akvinietis - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 90:107-113.
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    (5 other versions)Teologijos suma. I d. Traktatas apie Kūrimą. 16 klausimas. Apie tiesą. 5–8 artikulai.Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    Teologijos suma. I d. Traktatas „Apie vieną Dievą“19 klausimas: „Apie Dievo valią“. 1–6 artikulai.Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    Teologijos suma. I d. Traktatas „Apie vieną Dievą“19 klausimas: „Apie Dievo valią“. 7 - 12 artikulai.Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    5. Relations between the Manuscripts.H. G. Alexander Aphrodisiensis - 2008 - In Alexander Aphrodisiensis, "de Anima Libri Mantissa": A New Edition of the Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary. De Gruyter. pp. 15-22.
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    Kewalian Dalam Tasawuf Nusantara.Yunasril Ali - 2013 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 3 (2):201.
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    Heidegger in Plain Sight.Anita Alkhas - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 5 (12):1-13.
    Duchamp’s aspiration to become more philosophical in his art mirrors Heidegger’s aspiration to become more poetical in his philosophy. Their shared mistrust of subjectivity led them to question the continued viability of art on the one hand and of philosophy on the other. This article examines Heidegger’s essay in juxtaposition to Duchamp’s work, highlighting Heidegger’s (often underappreciated) playful approach to his weighty task, and, in regard to Duchamp, revealing just how serious art can be when it doesn’t appear to take (...)
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    Allison Weir. Identities and Freedom: Feminist Theory between Power and Connection. [REVIEW]Amy Allen - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (2):250-255.
  24. Quel œil peut se voir soi-même? : character and habit in Stendhal and Maine de Biran.Alessandra Aloisi - 2023 - In Manfred Milz, Towards a New Anthropology of the Embodied Mind: Maine de Biran’s Physio-Spiritualism from 1800 to the 21st Century. Boston: BRILL.
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  25. The magic object in modernism : an anthropological constant?Viola Altrichter - 2011 - In Wilhelm Lindemann & Joan Clough, Thinkingjewellery: On the Way Towards a Theory of Jewellery = Schmuckdenken: Unterwegs Zu Einer Theorie des Schmucks. Acc Distribution [Distributor].
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  26. The Philippines and Australia: Between Asia and the Pacific.Dennis Altman - 2001 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 5 (1):201-208.
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  27. Nietzsche en Cortázar.Cristina Ambrosini - 2014 - In Cristina Marta Ambrosini & Rubén Padlubne, Ficciones posibles: saberes filosóficos, semiológicos y científicos a través de la literatura. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
  28. Things to Come.(Acelerá que se acaba el mundo!!!).Nicolás Amoruso - 2008 - A Parte Rei 59:15.
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  29. İnsancilik mi, i̇nsancillik mi?(*).Melih Cevdet Anday - 2006 - In Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ, Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması. İzmir [Turkey]: İlya. pp. 119.
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    The "Vulgate" Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses: The Creation Myth and the Story of Orpheus by Frank T. Coulson. [REVIEW]William Anderson - 1992 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 86:175-176.
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    The Whewell-Faraday exchange on the application of the concepts of momentum and inertia to electromagnetic phenomena.Ronald Anderson - 1994 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (4):577-594.
  32. Vi (r) ajes.Cristina Pérez Andrés - 1999 - A Parte Rei 5:7.
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    Moral Virtue, Civic Virtue, and Pluralism.Stephen C. Angle - 2016 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 15 (3):447-452.
  34. Un silencio de la izquierda.Antonio Annino - 2011 - In César Cansino Ortiz & Servando Pineda, Al fondo y a la izquierda: reflexiones desde y sobre un lugar evanescente. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.
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  35. Management Ideology.P. D. Anthony - 2005 - In Christopher Grey & Hugh Willmott, Critical Management Studies:A Reader: A Reader. Oxford University Press.
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    Cosmopolitism and Issues of Ethical Identity.Kwame Anthony Appiah - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 5 (12):54-57.
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    Daring to be Powerful: Remembering Sari Knopp Biklen.Barbara Applebaum - 2015 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 51 (5):420-422.
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    Fundamentalisms.R. Scott Appleby - 1996 - In Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 403–413.
    Religion has surprised the secular elites of North American and European societies. Not only has religion survived the treacherous passage from village to metropolis, from medieval superstition to modern science, and from state support (and coercion) to voluntary membership. Apparently, it has thrived and gained new sources of strength amidst these transformations. Far from being relegated to the proverbial ash‐heap of history, modern religions and the activist movements they generate find themselves positioned at the centre of modern debates – and (...)
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    Herbert Kliebard and the Curriculum Field at Wisconsin.Michael W. Apple - 2015 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 51 (5):417-419.
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  40. Selection from Metaphysics. Aristotle - 2004 - In Tim Crane & Katalin Farkas, Metaphysics: a guide and anthology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The initial response to Galileo's lunar observations.Roger Ariew - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 32 (3):571-581.
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    13 ‘Japan: 2060’.Rachel Armstrong - 2015 - In Vibrant Architecture: Matter as a Codesigner of Living Structures. De Gruyter Open. pp. 260-263.
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    (1 other version)Ann Radcliffe, Romanticism and the Gothic.Tomasz Fisiak - 2014 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 6 (1):293-328.
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    Reproductive Technology.John D. Arras - 2003 - In R. G. Frey & Christopher Heath Wellman, A Companion to Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 342–355.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Reproductive Liberty Strong Libertarianism Reproductive Liberty in the Balance Conclusion.
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  45. Madrasos švietimo istorija Indonezijoje ir Malaizijoje: pokyčių ir tęstinumo perspektyva.Junaidi Arsyad - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    Dialectics of Reason and Unreason.Yubraj Aryal - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 2 (6):41-47.
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    An Interview with Anirudra Thapa.Yubraj Aryal - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 1 (3):12-12.
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    Generative Novelty of Modernist Avant-gardism and Purist Politico-cultural Orientation.Yubraj Aryal - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 3 (7):1-2.
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    On New Modernist Studies.Yubraj Aryal - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 4 (10):56-59.
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    Poststructuralism, Play and Humanism.Yubraj Aryal - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 2 (5):2-3.
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